joseph and harry sugiyama at j-wave

Looking forward to a new 105km Running Art piece – but this one I won’t be running on my own, I’ll be creating the picture with a team of about 40 runners consisting of J-Wave Radio DJs and listeners.j-wave-radio-j-me_300

To mark the birthday of J-Wave Radio Listener Community’s mascot, ‘J-me’, we’ll be creating a huge J-me portrait on the streets of Tokyo. The design is split into 15 sections, each between 7km and 11km. The main run on August 13th will take us on a huge loop from Roppongi, to Omotesando, Harajuku, Nakameguro, Shinagawa, Rainbow Bridge, Toyosu, Asakusa, Tabata, Sugamo and Edogawa.

Before running the main outline though, next weekend we’ll be running J-me’s eyes and hair – pretty complex routes around Kourakuen, Ueno and Tabata.

If you can’t join us you can also take part virtually by supporting us online – there’ll be live radio broadcasts along the route, and a live map showing our current location.

Find out more and apply on the J-wave website here:

Really looking forward to it!

(the photos are from last Friday’s HELLO WORLD when I joined Harry Sugiyama on air to announce this project – thanks to Harry for such a warm welcome!)


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