Hello. I’m Joseph Tame, a Tokyo-based performance artist, marathon runner, public speaker, consultant, IoT / wearable device hacker, inventor and daddy.
Find out what I am doing now here.
I am the CEO and Creative Director of Wild Tame Co., Ltd, a Tokyo-based agency that creates digital media content (primarily video-based) for a wide range of clients.
I am also a founding member and co-director of the non-profit Make It Creative; we run creativity workshops for a variety of non-profit and for-profit organisations.
I love collaborating with other individuals and organisations to make the extraordinary possible.
A Brief History of the Tame: The Road to Japan
Following a traumatic 2 weeks spent climbing up and down a stepladder to fill the jam vat at a Devon cheesecake factory, I moved to Switzerland where I became the fastest tobogganer in the mountain resort of Kleine Scheidegg, perfecting the 360-degree handbreak turn, and smashing the 1934 world downhill ski record with my time of 26 mins down to Grindelwald.
Breaking my collarbone actually turned out to be a good thing, as it played a key part in my decision to head to Japan with a working holiday visa.
7 years and plenty of unpublishable adventures later (most of which are published on my other blog), I’d successfully completed a degree in Japanese Studies at the University of Sheffield (including a year at Rikkyo University in Ikebukuro), and was happily married, living and working in Tokyo.
Having secured a job that was guaranteed to drive me nuts (repeating the same scripted 5-minute phone conversation with 300 students every two weeks), I vented my creative frustration through the production of Japan Podshow, a series of audio and video podcasts. This, and Twitter, opened the door to a fantastic community of supportive individuals, my friendship with which led me on a very interesting path through a couple of companies, and onto the core team behind TEDxTokyo.
Connections there enabled me to establish my own company, Wild Tame Co., Ltd. As Creative Director I work with a wide variety of clients on all kinds of digital media projects.
Past and Present Clients
- Nippon TV (GPS Running Art project designer, personality in series of three TV programs)
- Olympus / Loftwork (OPC Hack & Make Project, wearable device integrating Olympus Air camera)
- Intel (Prototype devices, writing, focused on the Intel Edison)
- Nike Japan (Creative marketing campaign, photography)
- Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (Animation production, creative direction, photography, illustrations, web consulting, workshops)
- Eat Creative (video production, social media)
- Soket / Amuse (Interactive public ‘lectures’ for a Japanese idol group)
- J-Wave Radio (Large-scale Running Art project)
- virgin earth, inc. (Film & video production)
- Peace Boat (Video production)
- Pixel Corps (live stream production assistant)
- Daiwa Securities Co.Ltd (Conference presentations on Wearable Tech, IoT 2014 ~ 2015)
- British Embassy Tokyo (Video production, consulting)
- W+K (Creative marketing campaign)
- MTV Japan (Live event video streaming)
- CBS News (Fixer)
- J.P. Morgan (Consulting)
- Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy (Video course Lecturer)
- IMPACT Foundation Japan Consulting, digital media production, program development)
- TEDxTokyo (Digital Media Team Lead)
- MAKOTO (Video production, photography)
- Le Web 2011 (Main stage Speaker)
- Fiat Japan (Live event video streaming)
- Tokyo American Club (Social media campaign training)
- Antelope Audio KK (Photography)
- Akoni KK (Live streaming, website development)
- 21 Foundation (Marketing, film production, admin)
- Total Football KK (IT Infrastructure, Lean system integration, website creation)
- EA International (Live video streaming, social media training)
- The Tyler Foundation (Website coding, consulting)
- Peeta Planet Social TV (Dubai: Social Media Team Lead)
- Mori Art Museum (Consulting)
- Dentsu (Presenting, consulting)
- The Japan Times (Photography)
- Mobile in Japan (Writer)
Public Speaking
Over the past couple of years I have been requested to give live presentations on mobile / wearable / IoT technology at a wide variety of events, usually whilst operating the latest version of my ultimate social live-streaming machines. These include:
- Olympus (Tokyo)
- Daiwa Securities (Tokyo, 3 years running)
- Le Web (Paris)
- J.P. Morgan (Tokyo)
- Dentsu (Japan’s no.1 ad agency)
- Fab Cafe, Tokyo
- Wieden + Kennedy (Tokyo)
- Roppongi Hills Breakfast (MORI Building Co., Ltd)
- PechaKucha Tokyo (5 times by invitation)
- American Chambers of Commerce, Tokyo
- Mashable Social Media Day (Tokyo – twice)
- Plus many more…
Artist / Inventor
In addition to the above work, I continue to work on a number of digital art projects. These include:
- The invention of a series of unique wearable devices to solve everyday problems, such as the cloud-controlled mobile wearable chocolate vending machine hat, the wearable mobile Christmas Tree and the mobile photo printing studio
- Extreme mobile live stream broadcasts – the first to broadcast a continuous live stream of the full Tokyo Marathon from multiple iPhones to an audience of over 42,000; the first to live stream from the summit of Mount Fuji during a solar eclipse over a special mobile network
- The iRun: The Ultimate live video streaming machine (as featured in much of the media listed below)
- The Art of Running: large-scale pictures drawn on the streets using my feet, multiple GPS devices and mapping / imaging software.
- LED Art: Wearing a body suit of over 2020 LEDs, I create unique light-trace images
- Elephant Art: A series of hand-drawn cartoons featuring the exploits of an adventurous heard of elephants
- The original Remote-Controlled-Car-and-Wooden-Spoon-Mouse-Trap (didn’t quite perform as hoped)
- Numerous photography projects
Media coverage
In addition to the list below, I have made numerous appearances on TV and Radio including CNN, Discovery Channel, Fuji TV, NHK, TBS, NTV, Tokyo MXTV, BBC Radio, J-Wave Radio, Bunka Housou
- Japan Trends: Sakuraman: wearable device offering on-demand, year-round cherry blossom viewing
- CNN: The man running around Tokyo dressed as a Christmas Tree [Video]
- Huffington Post: Watch This Christmas Tree Run Through The Streets Of Tokyo
- Mashable: There’s a man running around Tokyo dressed as a lit-up Christmas tree
- Discovery Channel: Joseph Tame the Running Artist [Video]
- The Next Web: Meet Joseph Tame: Marathon runner, art runner, iRunner [Text, photos and video]
- CNN.com: Marathon Man streams, tweets run [Video]
- NHK World: Featured Tokyo Artist: Joseph Tame [Video]
- GaijinPot: Wild Running With Joseph Tame
- Shibuya Bunka Project: Key Person Joseph Tame (Japanese)
- MXTV: Tokyo Kurasso! Studio interview with Joseph Tame the Running Artist [Video]
- BS Fuji: Birth of the Cool: Joseph Tame joins panel discussion on Japanese railways! [Video]
- NHK Education: Joseph Tame on national morning kids TV [Video]
- Nippon TV (Japanese national TV) News Zero: Joseph Tame, Running Artist
- CNN.com: Runner completes ‘online’ marathon in Tokyo – CNN.com [Text article]
- CNN.co.jp: 「市民ランナー」が世界選手権へ、iPhone実況ランナーも完走
- Engadget: Man will run Tokyo Marathon with dizzying array of gadgetry, amazing lack of shame
- Runners World: Running the Numbers – The Tokyo Marathon
- The Telegraph (via AP): iRun lets you experience the Tokyo Marathon [Video]
- Metro.co.uk: Joseph Tame completes Tokyo Marathon covered in iPhones
- New York Times: Sports Replay [Photo]
- New Scientist TV: DIY Contraption lets others experience your run
- Discovery Channel: Planet You [Video]
- Rocket News 24: iPhone4台とiPadを駆使し、「東京マラソン」をUst生中継するテイムさんがスゴイ!
- Daily Mail: iRun Fast
- CNET: Man to run marathon in wacky iPhone harness
- Time Out Tokyo: Go go gadget! We speak to the inventor of the iRun / “iRun”開発者、東京を走る
- Isetan-Mistukoshi: Hello Baby catalogue
- IT Media News: “Ust実況ランナー”がパワーアップ、今年も東京マラソンに iPhone4台で「iRun」
- Japan Times: Ganbaru Gadgets
- TUAW: Marathon Man prepares for second live stream
- Japan Times ‘Ustream goes mainstream‘
- J-Select Magazine ‘Running in Tokyo‘
- IT Media News [one] [two]. reposted on Yahoo News Japan [one] [two] [Yahoo opinion piece]
- Fuji TV’s ‘Tokudane’ (1st March 2010)
- Nippon TV ‘Zoom in Saturday‘ (3rd April 2010)
- BS-TBS/CNBC/SunTV: ‘Turning Point – Business Lab‘ (30th May 2010)
- Shuukan Ascii [print] [online] (29th June 2010)
- Sheffield Star
- Hereford Times
- TUAW: TUAW reader livestreaming Tokyo Marathon from head-mounted iPhone (March 2009)
- Runners World (Holland)
- Trailwalker: Hereford Times
- Sheffield Star
- BBC: Body Hits
And the rest
In my previous life as an employee
- IT Consultant, media producer, Impact Japan
- Video Producer, virgin earth inc (Japan)
- Marketing and Production Director, White Rabbit Press (Japan)
- Administrator, Overseas Broadcasting Center (Japan)
- Data Analyst, EDF Energy (UK)
- Waiter, Scheidegg Hotels (Switzerland)
- Gardener, responsible for restoring the Yew Tree Garden following 15 years of neglect
- Plus a heck of a lot more…
Voluntary work
- Livestreaming for many Tokyo based charitable events / organisations
- Core team, Communications Co-Lead for TEDxTokyo
- Translator for Meguro Ward Office
- Organic farming in France, Switzerland, Japan
- Camp Counselor for adults with physical and mental dissabilities (USA)
- Minibus driver for University of Sheffield nursery
- Translation / office work for OXFAM Japan (Tokyo)
- Participant in OXFAM Japan Trailwalker 2007
- Security staff working with OXFAM (GB) at Womad Festival
- Regular feature writer for international children’s magazine
- Author of numerous articles for university publications
Pushing mobile / IoT technology & Duct tape to the limits, Photography, writing, running, Japanese language, reading, smiling.