The Art of Running: 385km (240 mile) Tokyo 2020
My most challenging Running Art project to date: a 385km version of the official Olympic emblem GPS tracked across Tokyo
My most challenging Running Art project to date: a 385km version of the official Olympic emblem GPS tracked across Tokyo
With the birth of our first child fast approaching, I’ve been feeling increasing pressure to prepare myself.
Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet was in Japan recently as part of an Asia Tech Week, covering robots and runners
Painting the streets with the help of 10 metres of LEDs, a micro controller and long-exposure photography.
To celebrate PechaKucha’s 10th anniversary event in Tokyo, I ran a special 11km version of the 20×20 logo
One of the first runs I did as a part of the Nike / Wieden+Kennedy Run Like Me project: an 80km map of Japan
I’ve long wanted to draw a frog in Tokyo. But the thing with frogs is that they tend to be rather big. I mean, all those toes, and bulging eyes.
This weekend I was invited to take part in Kobe IT Festival held down in Harbourland here in Kobe.
The idea of my running 100m for every ‘Like’ Nike Running Japan received on Facebook started out as a joke – but then somehow became a reality.
Maniac Runners: NHK ask me to carry out a mobile live stream of a runner making ice cream whilst Running Yoyogi Park
One of the most memorable Art of Running projects I have done to date took place about 9 months after the devastating March 11th Earthquake and Tsunami.