The Tokyo Marathon Project

It’s now 17 years since I took up running, and 15 years since I completed my first Tokyo Marathon.
Little did I know then how it would come to change my life.

Below you’ll find a selection of posts highlighting the technology I’ve used, and the adventures I’ve had as I’ve shared the experience first hand of running Japan’s biggest race.

Joseph's 15th annual live-streamed


will take place on Sunday March 3rd 2024 from 9am

Tune in live on Facebook

Saturday March 2nd 15:00-21:00 PST

Sunday March 3rd 00:00-06:00 GMT/UTC


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TV: Collaboration with NTV for Running Art Series

TV: Collaboration with NTV for Running Art Series

Earlier this year we joined forces with Nippon TV and Hiroshima TV, to make a three-part series focused on Running Art - "Chikyu Mapping” (literally 'Globe Mapping'). For the first episode, we headed on down to Hiroshima, where me met up with Haruna Ai-san (a well...

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UK Trade and Investment: Nissan Leaf Japan Tour

UK Trade and Investment: Nissan Leaf Japan Tour

Over the past 7 years I’ve got pretty used to using batteries to power myself as I travel around Tokyo and beyond. Usually though the batteries are fairly lightweight, and output a maximum of 12 volts. With this collaboration with UKTI, things were a little different.

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Firefly Ride

Firefly Ride

Swapping my running shoes for a bicycle, I donned my LEDs and joined the Cycling Embassy of Japan’s Firefly Ride from Omotesando to Odaiba.

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TV: Tokyo Kurasso! Joseph Tame on MXTV

TV: Tokyo Kurasso! Joseph Tame on MXTV

Earlier this year I was invited to appear on Tokyo MXTV’s Tokyo Kurasso! (‘Let’s live in Tokyo’), to talk about my Running Art, and the Tokyo Marathon project. This was the first time to appear without my wind-turbine-hat-of-power, but despite that it all went well.

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Seijo University Design Thinking Workshop

Seijo University Design Thinking Workshop

Following on from the success of our workshop for J-Wave radio, our team (Make It Creative) were contacted by Seijo University and asked if we would be able to run a Design Thinking workshop for 280 students taking their 「キャリア形成概論Ⅰ」course. Always willing to take on a...

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